Source code for census_geocoder.locations


Defines :class:`Location` and :class:`MatchedAddress` geographic entities.

from validator_collection import validators, checkers

from census_geocoder import metaclasses, geographies, constants

[docs]class MatchedAddress(metaclasses.BaseEntity): """Represents a matched address returned by the US Census GeoCoder API.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._tigerline_side = None self._tigerline_id = None self._latitude = None self._longitude = None self._address = None self._from_address = None self._to_address = None self._street = None self._pre_type = None self._pre_direction = None self._pre_qualifier = None self._suffix_type = None self._suffix_direction = None self._suffix_qualifier = None self._city = None self._state = None self._zip_code = None self._state_fips_code = None self._county_fips_code = None self._tract = None self._block = None self._geographies = None for key in kwargs: if hasattr(self, key): setattr(self, key, kwargs.get(key, None))
[docs] def inspect(self, as_census_fields = False): """Produce a list of the matched address properties that have values. :param as_census_fields: If ``True``, return property names as they appear in Census databases or the output of the `Census Geocoder API`_. If ``False``, return properties as they are defined on the **Census Geocoder** objects. Defaults to ``False``. :type as_census_fields: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`str <python:str>` """ result = [] if self.address and as_census_fields: result.append('matchedAddress') elif self.address: result.append('address') if self.latitude and as_census_fields: result.append('coordinates.y') elif self.latitude: result.append('latitude') if self.longitude and as_census_fields: result.append('coordinates.x') elif self.longitude: result.append('longitude') if self.tigerline_id and as_census_fields: result.append('tigerLine.tigerLineId') elif self.tigerline_id: result.append('tigerline_id') if self.tigerline_side and as_census_fields: result.append('tigerLine.side') elif self.tigerline_side: result.append('tigerline_side') if self.from_address and as_census_fields: result.append('addressComponents.fromAddress') elif self.from_address: result.append('from_address') if self.to_address and as_census_fields: result.append('addressComponents.toAddress') elif self.to_address: result.append('to_address') if self.street and as_census_fields: result.append('addressComponents.streetName') elif self.street: result.append('street') if self.pre_type and as_census_fields: result.append('addressComponents.preType') elif self.pre_type: result.append('pre_type') if self.pre_direction and as_census_fields: result.append('addressComponents.preDirection') elif self.pre_direction: result.append('pre_direction') if self.pre_qualifier and as_census_fields: result.append('addressComponents.preQualifier') elif self.pre_qualifier: result.append('pre_qualifier') if self.suffix_type and as_census_fields: result.append('addressComponents.suffixType') elif self.suffix_type: result.append('suffix_type') if self.suffix_direction and as_census_fields: result.append('addressComponents.suffixDirection') elif self.suffix_direction: result.append('suffix_direction') if self.suffix_qualifier and as_census_fields: result.append('addressComponents.suffixQualifier') elif self.suffix_qualifier: result.append('suffix_qualifier') if and as_census_fields: result.append('') elif result.append('city') if self.state and as_census_fields: result.append('addressComponents.state') elif self.state: result.append('state') if self.zip_code and as_census_fields: result.append('') elif self.zip_code: result.append('zip_code') if self.geographies: result.append('geographies') return result
@property def tigerline_id(self): """The TigerLine ID for the matched address. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._tigerline_id @tigerline_id.setter def tigerline_id(self, value): self._tigerline_id = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def tigerline_side(self): """The TigerLine side of the street for the matched address. Accepts either 'L' or 'R'. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._tigerline_side @tigerline_side.setter def tigerline_side(self, value): value = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) if value: value = value.upper() if value and value not in ['L', 'R']: raise ValueError( f'tigerline_side can only be None, "L", or "R". Was: {value}' ) self._tigerline_side = value @property def longitude(self): """The longitude coordinate for the location. :rtype: :class:`decimal <python:decimal.decimal>` """ return self._longitude @longitude.setter def longitude(self, value): self._longitude = validators.decimal(value, allow_empty = True) @property def latitude(self): """The latitude coordinate for the location. :rtype: :class:`decimal <python:decimal.decimal>` """ return self._latitude @latitude.setter def latitude(self, value): self._latitude = validators.decimal(value, allow_empty = True) @property def address(self): """The canonical address that was matched for the :class:`Location`. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._address @address.setter def address(self, value): self._address = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def pre_type(self): """The canonical pre-type that was matched for the :class:`Location`. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._pre_type @pre_type.setter def pre_type(self, value): self._pre_type = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def suffix_type(self): """The canonical suffix-type that was matched for the :class:`Location`. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._suffix_type @suffix_type.setter def suffix_type(self, value): self._suffix_type = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def pre_qualifier(self): """The canonical pre-qualifier that was matched for the :class:`Location`. :rqualifier: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._pre_qualifier @pre_qualifier.setter def pre_qualifier(self, value): self._pre_qualifier = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def suffix_qualifier(self): """The canonical suffix-qualifier that was matched for the :class:`Location`. :rqualifier: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._suffix_qualifier @suffix_qualifier.setter def suffix_qualifier(self, value): self._suffix_qualifier = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def pre_direction(self): """The canonical pre-direction that was matched for the :class:`Location`. :rdirection: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._pre_direction @pre_direction.setter def pre_direction(self, value): self._pre_direction = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def suffix_direction(self): """The canonical suffix-direction that was matched for the :class:`Location`. :rdirection: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._suffix_direction @suffix_direction.setter def suffix_direction(self, value): self._suffix_direction = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def from_address(self): """The canonical lower-bound street number that was matched for the :class:`Location`. :rdirection: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._from_address @from_address.setter def from_address(self, value): self._from_address = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def to_address(self): """The canonical upper-bound street number that was matched for the :class:`Location`. :rdirection: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._to_address @to_address.setter def to_address(self, value): self._to_address = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def street(self): """The canonical street name that was matched for the :class:`Location`. :rdirection: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._street @street.setter def street(self, value): self._street = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def city(self): """The canonical city name that was matched for the :class:`Location`. :rdirection: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._city @city.setter def city(self, value): self._city = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def state(self): """The canonical state that was matched for the :class:`Location`. :rdirection: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._state @state.setter def state(self, value): self._state = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def zip_code(self): """The canonical zip code that was matched for the :class:`Location`. :rdirection: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._zip_code @zip_code.setter def zip_code(self, value): self._zip_code = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def geographies(self): """Collection of geographical areas that this address is part of. :rtype: :class:`GeographyCollection` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ if not self._geographies: return [] return self._geographies @geographies.setter def geographies(self, value): if value and not isinstance(value, geographies.GeographyCollection): value = validators.dict(value, allow_empty = False) geos = geographies.GeographyCollection.from_dict(value) elif value: geos = value else: geos = None self._geographies = geos @property def state_fips_code(self): """State FIPS Code :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` """ return self._state_fips_code @state_fips_code.setter def state_fips_code(self, value): self._state_fips_code = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def tract(self): """Census Tract Code :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` """ return self._tract @tract.setter def tract(self, value): self._tract = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def block(self): """Census Block Code :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._block @block.setter def block(self, value): self._block = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def county_fips_code(self): """County FIPS Code :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` """ return self._county_fips_code @county_fips_code.setter def county_fips_code(self, value): self._county_fips_code = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def entity_type(self): return 'address'
[docs] @classmethod def from_csv_record(cls, csv_record): """Create an instance of the geographic entity from its CSV record. :param csv_record: The list of columns for the CSV record. :type csv_record: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`str <python:str>` :returns: An instance of the geographic entity. :rtype: :class:`GeographicEntity` """ csv_record = validators.iterable(csv_record, allow_empty = False) one_line_address = csv_record[1] matched_address = csv_record[4] coordinates = csv_record[5].split(',') longitude = coordinates[0] latitude = coordinates[1] tigerline_id = csv_record[6] tigerline_side = csv_record[7] kwargs = { 'address': matched_address, 'longitude': longitude, 'latitude': latitude, 'tigerline_id': tigerline_id, 'tigerline_side': tigerline_side } if len(csv_record) > 8: kwargs['state_fips_code'] = csv_record[8] kwargs['county_fips_code'] = csv_record[9] kwargs['tract'] = csv_record[10] kwargs['block'] = csv_record[11] return cls(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, as_dict): """Create an instance of the geographic entity from its :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation. :param as_dict: The :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation of the geographic entity. :type as_dict: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :returns: An instance of the geographic entity. :rtype: :class:`GeographicEntity` """ as_dict = validators.dict(as_dict, allow_empty = False) address = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('addressMatches', {})\ .get('matchedAddress', None) longitude = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('addressMatches', {})\ .get('coordinates', {})\ .get('x', None) latitude = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('addressMatches', {})\ .get('coordinates', {})\ .get('y', None) tigerline_side = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('addressMatches', {})\ .get('tigerLine', {})\ .get('side', None) tigerline_id = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('addressMatches', {})\ .get('tigerLine', {})\ .get('tigerLineId', None) pre_type = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('addressMatches', {})\ .get('addressComponents', {})\ .get('preType', None) suffix_type = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('addressMatches', {})\ .get('addressComponents', {})\ .get('suffixType', None) pre_qualifier = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('addressMatches', {})\ .get('addressComponents', {})\ .get('preQualifier', None) suffix_qualifier = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('addressMatches', {})\ .get('addressComponents', {})\ .get('suffixQualifier', None) pre_direction = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('addressMatches', {})\ .get('addressComponents', {})\ .get('preDirection', None) suffix_direction = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('addressMatches', {})\ .get('addressComponents', {})\ .get('suffixDirection', None) from_address = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('addressMatches', {})\ .get('addressComponents', {})\ .get('fromAddress', None) to_address = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('addressMatches', {})\ .get('addressComponents', {})\ .get('toAddress', None) street = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('addressMatches', {})\ .get('addressComponents', {})\ .get('streetName', None) city = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('addressMatches', {})\ .get('addressComponents', {})\ .get('city', None) state = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('addressMatches', {})\ .get('addressComponents', {})\ .get('state', None) zip_code = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('addressMatches', {})\ .get('addressComponents', {})\ .get('zip', None) return cls(**{ 'tigerline_id': tigerline_id, 'tigerline_side': tigerline_side, 'longitude': longitude, 'latitute': latitude, 'pre_type': pre_type, 'suffix_type': suffix_type, 'pre_qualifier': pre_qualifier, 'suffix_qualifier': suffix_qualifier, 'pre_direction': pre_direction, 'suffix_direction': suffix_direction, 'from_address': from_address, 'to_address': to_address, 'street': street, 'city': city, 'state': state, 'zip_code': zip_code, 'address': address })
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Returns a :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation of the geographic entity. .. note:: The :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation matches the JSON structure for the US Census Geocoder API. This is a not-very-pythonic :class:`dict <python:dict>` structure, but at least this ensures idempotency. :returns: :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation of the entity. :rtype: :class:`dict <python:dict>` """ result = { 'matchedAddress': self.address, 'coordinates': { 'x': self.longitude, 'y': self.latitude }, 'tigerLine': { 'tigerLineId': self.tigerline_id, 'side': self.tigerline_side }, 'addressComponents': { 'fromAddress': self.from_address, 'toAddress': self.to_address, 'preType': self.pre_type, 'preQualifier': self.pre_qualifier, 'preDirection': self.pre_direction, 'streetName': self.street, 'suffixType': self.suffix_type, 'suffixQualifier': self.suffix_qualifier, 'suffixDirection': self.suffix_direction, 'city':, 'state': self.state, 'zip': self.zip_code }, 'geographies': [x.to_dict() for x in self.geographies] } return result
[docs]class Location(metaclasses.GeographicEntity): """Represents a specific location returned by the US Census Geocoder API.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._input_one_line = None self._input_street = None self._input_city = None self._input_state = None self._input_zip_code = None self._benchmark_name = None self._benchmark_description = None self._benchmark_id = None self._benchmark_is_default = False self._vintage_name = None self._vintage_description = None self._vintage_id = None self._vintage_is_default = False self._matched_addresses = None for key in kwargs: if hasattr(self, key): setattr(self, key, kwargs.get(key, None))
[docs] def inspect(self, as_census_fields = False): """Produce a list of the location's properties that have values. :param as_census_fields: If ``True``, return property names as they appear in Census databases or the output of the `Census Geocoder API`_. If ``False``, return properties as they are defined on the **Census Geocoder** objects. Defaults to ``False``. :type as_census_fields: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`str <python:str>` """ result = [] if self.input_one_line and as_census_fields: result.append('input.address') elif self.input_one_line: result.append('input_one_line') if self.input_street and as_census_fields: result.append('input.address.street') elif self.input_street: result.append('input_street') if self.input_city and as_census_fields: result.append('') elif self.input_city: result.append('input_city') if self.input_state and as_census_fields: result.append('input.address.state') elif self.input_state: result.append('input_state') if self.input_zip_code and as_census_fields: result.append('') elif self.input_zip_code: result.append('input_zip_code') if self.benchmark_name and as_census_fields: result.append('benchmark.benchmarkName') elif self.benchmark_name: result.append('benchmark_name') if self.benchmark_description and as_census_fields: result.append('benchmark.benchmarkDescription') elif self.benchmark_description: result.append('benchmark_description') if self.benchmark_id and as_census_fields: result.append('') elif self.benchmark_id: result.append('benchmark_id') if as_census_fields: result.append('benchmark.isDefault') else: result.append('benchmark_is_default') if self.benchmark: result.append('benchmark') if self.vintage_name and as_census_fields: result.append('vintage.vintageName') elif self.vintage_name: result.append('vintage_name') if self.vintage_description and as_census_fields: result.append('vintage.vintageDescription') elif self.vintage_description: result.append('vintage_description') if self.vintage_id and as_census_fields: result.append('') elif self.vintage_id: result.append('vintage_id') if as_census_fields: result.append('vintage.isDefault') else: result.append('vintage_is_default') if self.vintage: result.append('vintage') if self.matched_addresses and as_census_fields: result.append('addressMatches') elif self.matched_addresses: result.append('matched_addresses') return result
@property def input_one_line(self): """The one-line address that was provided as input to get this :class:`Location`. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._input_one_line @input_one_line.setter def input_one_line(self, value): self._input_one_line = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def input_street(self): """The street address that was provided as input to get this :class:`Location`. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._input_street @input_street.setter def input_street(self, value): self._input_street = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def input_city(self): """The city that was provided as input to get this :class:`Location`. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._input_city @input_city.setter def input_city(self, value): self._input_city = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def input_state(self): """The state that was provided as input to get this :class:`Location`. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._input_state @input_state.setter def input_state(self, value): self._input_state = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def input_zip_code(self): """The zip code that was provided as input to get this :class:`Location`. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._input_zip_code @input_zip_code.setter def input_zip_code(self, value): self._input_zip_code = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def input_address(self): """Returns a :class:`dict <python:dict>` with the input address provided. :rtype: :class:`dict <python:dict>` """ result = {} if self.input_one_line: result['address'] = self.input_one_line if self.input_street: result['street'] = self.input_street if self.input_city: result['city'] = self.input_city if self.input_state: result['state'] = self.input_state if self.input_zip_code: result['zip_code'] = self.zip_code return result @property def benchmark_name(self): """The name of the :term:`benchmark` for which this data was returned. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` """ return self._benchmark_name @benchmark_name.setter def benchmark_name(self, value): self._benchmark_name = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def benchmark_description(self): """The description of the :term:`benchmark` for which this data was returned. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` """ return self._benchmark_description @benchmark_description.setter def benchmark_description(self, value): self._benchmark_description = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def benchmark_id(self): """The name of the :term:`benchmark` for which this data was returned. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` """ return self._benchmark_id @benchmark_id.setter def benchmark_id(self, value): self._benchmark_id = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def benchmark_is_default(self): """If ``True``, indicates that the default :term:`benchmark` has been applied. :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` """ return bool(self._benchmark_is_default) @benchmark_is_default.setter def benchmark_is_default(self, value): self._benchmark_is_default = bool(value) @property def benchmark(self): """The short-hand value of the :term:`benchmark` for which this :class:`Location` was calculated. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ for key in constants.BENCHMARKS: if constants.BENCHMARKS.get(key, None) == self.benchmark_name: return key return None @property def vintage_name(self): """The name of the :term:`vintage` for which this data was returned. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` """ return self._vintage_name @vintage_name.setter def vintage_name(self, value): self._vintage_name = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def vintage_description(self): """The description of the :term:`vintage` for which this data was returned. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` """ return self._vintage_description @vintage_description.setter def vintage_description(self, value): self._vintage_description = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def vintage_id(self): """The name of the :term:`vintage` for which this data was returned. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` """ return self._vintage_id @vintage_id.setter def vintage_id(self, value): self._vintage_id = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def vintage_is_default(self): """If ``True``, indicates that the default :term:`vintage` has been applied. :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` """ return bool(self._vintage_is_default) @vintage_is_default.setter def vintage_is_default(self, value): self._vintage_is_default = bool(value) @property def vintage(self): """The short-hand value of the :term:`vintage` for which this :class:`Location` was calculated. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ for key in constants.VINTAGES: if key == self.benchmark_name: vintage_set = constants.VINTAGES.get(key, {}) for vintage_key in vintage_set: if vintage_set.get(vintage_key, None) == self.vintage_name: return vintage_key return None @property def matched_addresses(self): """Collection of addresses that have been matched to the :class:`Location`. :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`MatchedAddress` / :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._matched_addresses @matched_addresses.setter def matched_addresses(self, value): value = validators.iterable(value, allow_empty = True) for item in value: if checkers.is_type(item, 'MatchedAddress') is False: raise ValueError( f'item must be a MatchedAddress. Was: {item.__class__.__name__}' ) self._matched_addresses = [x for x in value] @property def entity_type(self): return 'locations'
[docs] @classmethod def from_csv_record(cls, csv_record): """Create an instance of the geographic entity from its CSV record. :param csv_record: The list of columns for the CSV record. :type csv_record: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`str <python:str>` :returns: An instance of the geographic entity. :rtype: :class:`GeographicEntity` """ csv_record = validators.iterable(csv_record, allow_empty = False) one_line_address = csv_record[1] matched_address = csv_record[4] coordinates = csv_record[5].split(',') longitude = coordinates[0] latitude = coordinates[1] tigerline_id = csv_record[6] tigerline_side = csv_record[7] kwargs = { 'address': matched_address, 'longitude': longitude, 'latitude': latitude, 'tigerline_id': tigerline_id, 'tigerline_side': tigerline_side } if len(csv_record) > 8: kwargs['state_fips_code'] = csv_record[8] kwargs['county_fips_code'] = csv_record[9] kwargs['tract'] = csv_record[10] kwargs['block'] = csv_record[11] matched_address = MatchedAddress(**kwargs) return cls(input_one_line = one_line_address, matched_addresses = [matched_address])
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, as_dict): """Create an instance of the geographic entity from its :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation. :param as_dict: The :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation of the geographic entity. :type as_dict: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :returns: An instance of the geographic entity. :rtype: :class:`GeographicEntity` """ as_dict = validators.dict(as_dict, allow_empty = False) input_one_line = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('input', {})\ .get('address', {})\ .get('address', None) input_street = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('input', {})\ .get('address', {})\ .get('street', None) input_city = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('input', {})\ .get('address', {})\ .get('city', None) input_state = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('input', {})\ .get('address', {})\ .get('state', None) input_zip_code = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('input', {})\ .get('address', {})\ .get('zip', None) benchmark_name = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('input', {})\ .get('benchmark', {})\ .get('benchmarkName', None) benchmark_id = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('input', {})\ .get('benchmark', {})\ .get('id', None) benchmark_description = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('input', {})\ .get('benchmark', {})\ .get('benchmarkDescription', None) benchmark_is_default = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('input', {})\ .get('benchmark', {})\ .get('isDefault', False) vintage_name = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('input', {})\ .get('vintage', {})\ .get('vintageName', None) vintage_id = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('input', {})\ .get('vintage', {})\ .get('id', None) vintage_description = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('input', {})\ .get('vintage', {})\ .get('vintageDescription', None) vintage_is_default = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('input', {})\ .get('vintage', {})\ .get('isDefault', False) matched_addresses = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('addressMatches', []) matched_addresses = [MatchedAddress.from_json(x) for x in matched_addresses] geos = as_dict.get('result', {})\ .get('geographies', {}) result = cls(**{ 'input_one_line': input_one_line, 'input_street': input_street, 'input_city': input_city, 'input_state': input_state, 'input_zip_code': input_zip_code, 'benchmark_name': benchmark_name, 'benchmark_description': benchmark_description, 'benchmark_is_default': benchmark_is_default, 'benchmark_id': benchmark_id, 'vintage_name': vintage_name, 'vintage_description': vintage_description, 'vintage_is_default': vintage_is_default, 'vintage_id': vintage_id, 'matched_addresses': matched_addresses }) if geos: geography_collection = geographies.GeographyCollection.from_dict(geos) result.geographies = geography_collection return result
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Returns a :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation of the geographic entity. .. note:: The :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation matches the JSON structure for the US Census Geocoder API. This is a not-very-pythonic :class:`dict <python:dict>` structure, but at least this ensures idempotency. :returns: :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation of the entity. :rtype: :class:`dict <python:dict>` """ result = { 'input': { 'address': {}, 'benchmark': { 'id': self.benchmark_id, 'benchmarkName': self.benchmark_name, 'benchmarkDescription': self.benchmark_description, 'isDefault': self.benchmark_is_default }, 'vintage': { 'id': self.vintage_id, 'vintageName': self.vintage_name, 'vintageDescription': self.vintage_description, 'isDefault': self.vintage_is_default } } } if self.input_one_line: result['input']['address']['address'] = self.input_one_line if self.input_street: result['input']['address']['street'] = self.input_street if self.input_city: result['input']['address']['city'] = self.input_city if self.input_state: result['input']['address']['state'] = self.input_state if self.input_zip_code: result['input']['address']['zip'] = self.input_zip_code